Tuesday, February 9, 2016
11:44 PM 0

Suryavarman 2

Suryavarman 2

King, queen child impede architecture (which links financial dynasty of applying VII) and Princess nrent witnesses under (the Bank reachthitea Rajendravarman 1), he is so fair as Central statue of his build trust Nagara temple corridor in the south side today.

After what Rajendravarman 1 died, and the country split into 2 with a royal dynasty dispute 2 or 2 grabbed monarch not sure how the name. His age Suryavarman in preteens (Jack) was breicha Intelligent understand his reasoning carefully Chenda that will allow The war in the kingdom, so to not long before there will be other countries that have the same effect Champ came expletive repetitive typing away as ever in history before this time. That he is part of a united army 3 at hubs hero and first monarch to fight the rebels until 2 Smooth but failed to control Planet earth fasting name king Suryavarman or Suryavarman 2nd king was in study Anuradhapura. His consort may have civil still uncertain how the name in history. Reachaoros children may have been unsure when he died.

The Earth: Suryavarman that he has made the world, and within 3-4 years, he also administer state-controlled medium unregulated Home building and sent ammunition and trained army battalions as much defense for asset uprising like in the previous reign.

Speaking of the Siamese royal Brahma head, the Buddhist year 1660 may think Suryavarman 2 new reign was weak kind Guidance Rajendravarman 1st Communion has about 80,000 troops to the oppressed people of Khmer Kingdom in west and penetrate diamond kingdom wall mhaubreach Khmer name Prince Ream stand there with Prince Ream aware of it in advance. Marched to the outskirts wall diamond Brahma went to meet Prince Ream looked Kurdish regulations emerald in the temple town, ask taken to Royal Prince Ream until the first to volunteer. Brahma dynasty emerald also worried lest Lighthouse troops to grab reinforced guard distortion emerald bambatdan avoid Khmer discovered is mortar, plus covered emerald see regulations Buddha seem normal and adequate to the hidden.

Siam liberty in the provinces of the Kingdom has not gone about the events of King Suryavarman knows also called army kamreab Siamese back under the shade of Royal Po original material reinforced. Siam cling under arokkha Khmer Buddhist fasting until the 18th century, can raise as within.

The emerald did not return to the kingdom local regulations buried in the bottom yonok aversion Sen fast. The non-return regulation probably owing Suryavarman 2 uncritical pro-democracy veisnav. Story emerald not owe preahreachhryty sadly. Buddhist in 1660 after 4 years he reigned king appointed ambassador to bring the message to the allied relationship with China, and Champ in the interests of state regulatory policies. The two countries also agreed to accept the alliance forward and appoint ambassadors to bring the message to the appropriate provisions. Cambodia allied relationship with China as a time of 7 days.

The Champ even borders long as the country not only had a few close friends are often discontented originally recently in this reign that made peace with each other, but this prestigious policy Suryavarman Make sure to rear.
When allied relationship, and he marched almost royal elephant battalion lot to beat Kao Chi (Vietnam) are prone to invasion by Royal Prefecture Khmer upper Treasurer regulations. Khmer troops to the Vietnamese army took power regulation against not only hold powerful army Khmer Khmer army offensive until Nguesso came back Police reinforced.

Past 4 years (29) up against again owing Kao Chi recidivism. His war time until solid, Xinhua announced that all the capacity of the country, and he came back to his kingdom.

In time, the territories of Laos, Luang and Vientiane, also the territory of the Khmer.

Champa a malicious revenge Champ damage against female naval study Anuradhapura in the last days Harshavarman 3, in which time the country has received serious accident with major water leak, as it was said. Khmer troops stormed the city of Srivijaya king Champ name spoil Indravarman. But in some, the king abandoned his kingdom disappeared. Suryavarman Meanchey - so called victory Champa provinces kampouchorod royal family and financial 1 named Tep was the younger brother of his consort to state management in Champa, and he came back his kingdom. Cambodia during the reign of the great wide, bordered again. Khmer fate was up to the highest level.

Management: Suryavarman 2 designate King - Viceroy to manage technological dream state, as in the previous reign in the reign of God mhaubreach to 7 in the natural kingdom 1 diamond on the wall or scratch Quran 1 in Anuradhapura or financial Ayutthaya 1 Phuc nhch or call Hariphunchai, 1 police in the mountains above 1 in warehouses in Cochin in the present 1 Vijaya Champa 1 .

Building: war prosecutor in King Suryavarman 2 him to build a temple tevosthan 1 by a large rock almost gigantic Grade 3 and There are wonderful miss any castle in the world, the size and improve the heated equal as Vishnu.

Vishnu temple, according to current conventional Nagara called in the south, about 1 km dedicated to Vishnu (Naraimaharaj) 1 in 3 Doctrine address. Not only dedicated construction God Vishnu, the great castle rock solidly in the middle class 3 for potential (30).

Besides Vishnu He said engrave Naraimaharaj (Naraimaharaj Avatar) bengphak in various moments in the corridor 1, 2

(29): In the history of the universe (Siam) 9 2 Suryavarman rise to Kao Chi Buddhist 1671 Buddhist 1675 to strike again. Buddhist 1688 went to Srivijaya. By this era, Michael regulations go too greedy.

(30): Later Buddhist doctrine Lanka market where they have a god Vishnu, can be regulated, and they plan to overwhelm large stone door and 4 and carved a large standing Buddha turned challenges into 4 quarters.

Ramayana (Ramayana) mhapharotyout, financial dynasty, and he carved Khmer Army 1st corridor south west simultaneously prosecutor to make war in the historic city of Srivijaya as his army in the rear of the statue, he spelled it. In the Army, observed Michael regulations Thais have volunteered soldiers into sharp text inscribed with Thai jail there.

Vishnu temple construction ready and Suryavarman modified flag can Lokmachas is the central area that used white net originally tower 3 instead there is a distinguished actor Khmer temples of the best rock and more almost no country in the world has a flag as such temples have been used until now.

Suryavarman and royal genealogy called Tom soriyovong is a princess with the development of food and power great-called earth appreciation Po Yin's neighboring countries (but not the magical sight as prosecutor genealogy). He was honored as a great emperor in history.

When he died, to name morals that's cremation Pisnulok why traditional doctrine Sai mung Assault...


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